- March 7, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) might feel like a hassle for local businesses, but they hold valuable insights for enhancing customer service and reputation.
If you remember working at a business before the internet, you likely recall answering the same questions repeatedly over the phone. Yes, we’re open on New Year’s Eve. Yes, we accept returns with a receipt. Yes, we have no bananas.
Despite the advent of the internet, this Q&A cycle persists. People are still asking these common questions, either because they struggle to find the answers online or because they doubt the accuracy of the information they find. No one wants to show up to a closed shop or be surprised with unexpected changes in service.
How to Manage Your Local Business FAQs
Gather FAQs from Multiple Sources:
Interview staff responsible for customer interactions.
Record questions received via Google Business Profile’s Q&A section and social media.
Formalize the process by documenting questions over a set period.
Sort Your FAQs into Different Categories:
Analyze questions and categorize them by type.
Create a spreadsheet for each location to associate questions with the right locale.
Assign Your FAQs to the Right Resources:
Based on your analysis, find the best places to answer these questions.
Ensure answers are easily accessible on your website, listings, and profiles.
Consider posting top questions on Google Business Profiles and social media, and create videos addressing FAQs.
While a traditional FAQ page is an option, consider summarizing common questions at the top of the page with links to more detailed answers below. Categorize questions by type to help customers find answers quickly, and always encourage them to contact your business directly for personalized assistance.
In conclusion, FAQs hold valuable insights for local businesses. By being intentional about gathering and organizing this information, you can enhance the customer experience and improve your brand’s reputation for excellent service. So, give your FAQs the attention they deserve—they’re worth it!